
Decisions, Decisions

I am trying to get a few pictures for the frames I want to hang on my walls, so I took some of the kids out this morning for a few shots. I already have one of Ezra that I want to use, I think. I still need Ethan. And here are some that I took this morning. Not sure if I will use one of them or not. What do you think?? I want one of each child. I might make them into black and white too, I really miss that feature on my other camera :)

I really like the flowers in the background on this one, but the expression isn't my favorite.

I like the smile

Like this one too, maybe cropped a little.
I like this one best, though maybe not enough.

I like this one too.

He really should be wearing the ever-present "cowboy shirt" that I wrestled off of him this morning.

Sierra loves the camera. Everyone else is like me, at a loss for what to do with themselves. I probably need to spend an hour out there just getting them comfortable, rather than 15 minutes of "sit here and smile". :)


Nicole Hearn said...

My favorite is the last one of Hailey.

Anonymous said...

Dad likes the second of Hailey, first of Sierra and last of Eli.

Anonymous said...

I like the last one of Hailey, the 1st one of Sierra, and the 2nd one of Eli. I also think black and white would take away from the pictures because the green and purple in the background really make the pictures outstanding in my opinion.

Anonymous said...

What a tough choice. I like the close up picture. And the first one of your other daughter. I can't get enough of your little men though. (I think I really am partial to boys. Good thing God blessed me with one of my own. LOL)

I just noticed your baby counter. It's getting closer to the time of meeting your new litte one. Exciting. I'll be thinking of you during these hot summer months!