
Finally, An Update

I'm such a bad blogger, so much to update on and...no updates. I've just been so busy living my life that I haven't taken the time to put it into coherent thoughts. But I'll give it a shot.

Let's see, where were we?? In July my sister came to stay for a week and we had a wonderful visit sadly lacking in pictures. In fact, I think the only picture I took was one of Alyssa and Carolynn on horseback.

But we all had a wonderful time together. The girls rode horses and visited, the boys built brick creations, jumped on the trampoline and got FILTHY. It was childhood heaven. My sister and I had a great time catching up and watching the babies love each other. Carolynn was walking all over the place and Ty was just getting started, but after watching her for a week he wanted no part of crawling! He also decided he needed to nurse immediately whenever he saw her nursing. Which was a lot more frequently that he had been nursing. :)

We went to the park, ate junk food and just generally enjoyed ourselves.

Thanks for coming to see us, we love you guys!

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