
Belated Birthday Wishes

We celebrated the birthdays of both Chance and Ezra last Friday. It was extra special because grandma was able to be here to share in the festivities. That hasn't happened since our move to Texas.

Ezra turned 4 on the 13th and Chance turned 21 on the 17th. It was special to celebrated the births of our oldest and youngest (for one more day) together. We are blessed to have Chance as an oldest son. His siblings adore him because he always takes the time to play with them and talk to them. He prays for them and with them and goes before them to set an example of service and sacrifice and love of our God.

And Ezra has been such a blessing to our family. His smile can light up a room. He is a funny little chatterbox that provides lots of family entertainment :) May God raise you up to be a mighty warrior for Him, may He bless you and keep you all the days of your life. We love you Ezra!

Birthday Blessings

Rootbeer Floats, mmmm!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You do not look anywhere old enough to have a child that can grow facial hair. LOL

Happy Birthday to both of your "little" men!