
Happy Birthday Sierra!

As is our tradition, the day began with breakfast out. We tried a new place this time and were pleasantly surprised. It wasn't much to look at on the outside, but we heard the locals like it. And we did too.

After breakfast daddy took her to C.A.L.M. A living museum/animal rescue zoo outside of Bakersfield. They came back with lots of tales, and it sounds like a worthy field trip for the whole family.

Burgers, pie, and ice cream followed (chocolate/banana cream), and best of all, the blessing from daddy.

We can hardly believe that Sierra has entered double digits. It seems like such a short time ago that she was rushing out the back door to climb into the dog water. Again. And again.

But now she has grown into a beautiful young lady who loves the Lord and her family. She adores her baby brother and always has a bright smile and happy greeting for him. She's quick to organize a tea party, or look for ways to entertain her brothers.

Sierra delights in learning to sew and knit, but her true delight is reading. I just can't keep that girl in books :)

We are so grateful for the joy Sierra brings to our home, and praise God for the privilege of raising her. Happy birthday Sierra, we love you!


Unknown said...

Thanks for posting this mom. Happy birthday Sierra!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Sierra!!! Wish you were here in TX. We are looking forward to catching up with your dad, though.

Tonya for all the Roberts family

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Sierra! It's nice to "see" you all again. :)
Miss Jennifer