
Hi All

I've been so bad about posting it's going to take several posts just to update you all on what we've been doing around here. I ordered some fruit trees and Mike gamely put them in the ground for me. Someday we may have apples, peaches, plums, and pluots. 10 trees in all.

We also planted blackberry, raspberry and boysenberry canes. But after a hard rain we realized that our ground prep wasn't extensive enough and we had big pools of standing water where the canes were planted.

So, we had to dig most of them out. And I mean WE in the congressional sense, which is to say, Not ME. My dear husband came home in the rain and dug up those plants. Now they are sitting in pots waiting for the grading guy to come level the plot. Their survival is tenuous I would imagine.

We got to have Cadence for a visit. So much fun to get her all to ourselves for a few days :)

And Annaleise gets bigger every day :)

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