I think we are having a work day tomorrow. We had one scheduled for Saturday, but we got rained out. The rain here has been incredible. It seems like it has rained every day for at least a month. Not always torrential rain, although that has happened often enough. But enough rain that we are getting virtually nothing done outside. Saturday it was raining so hard that the people that were coming couldn't get here.
I am enjoying the rain though. Last summer was so dry, we were often praying for rain. Now, much of the country is suffering through a drought and we are so lush and green. It is strange to think of all the fires in CA, and to read that the brush is so dry that even the goats can't clear it, when here it seems almost tropical.
It's like this extended spring is a special gift just for me :) The greenery feeds my soul. I love to lay in bed in the mornings and look out the windows at the thick trees, with the cloudy sky overhead. I love to watch the deer moving gracefully through the trees. I love the sound of the rain and the brilliant lightening displays at night. I love to watch the chickens roaming the yard, and our family of cottontails that grazes with them, pretending they can't be seen.
For years I have longed to live somewhere like this. A place that feeds me, like living in Oregon fed me. Who would have dreamed that it would be in Texas! When most people think of Ca, they think of forests and beaches. Beautiful weather and beautiful scenery. But that isn't where we lived. We lived in the desert. The beauty of the desert has always escaped me. I know some people love it, but it has always seemed barren and forsaken to me. It does not nurture and soothe me like verdant landscapes do.
So, I welcome the rain. I revel in the greenery and I thank God for this wonderful, wet summer. My last one here. It's a great note to go out on.
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