
More Christmas in AZ (original title, No?)

Christmas in AZ

Spinach Breakfast Casserole

I made this for breakfast this morning and since it was delicious I thought I would share. I got to use my cute little Christmas ramekins too :)

Saute a leek and a few crushed cloves of garlic in a few generous tablespoons of butter. The real stuff, not oil. I sliced some really yummy thick sliced turkey lunchmeat from Costco and threw it in too. It would be good with crumbled bacon, or Italian sausage too. Add about 4c of spinach, I shredded it, and cook it until it's wilted. About 5 min. Put everything into 5 greased 1c ramekins and crack an egg on the top of each one. Place them all in a 325 degree oven for about 15 min. Then remove and sprinkle with a little parmesan. So good!

I was supposed to leave the egg off of Ty's, but I forgot. So he had a banana and a smoothie :)

I also made yogurt in the dehydrator last night and it came out great. I made it the night before but it was still much like milk when I took it out, although the flavor was good. I think I just didn't leave it in quite long enough. But this morning the yogurt was thick and creamy, very much like store-bought. Yay!


This is Mara. We are having a grand time taking care of her while Hailey is gone.

This is the pencil sharpener. The cord is in 4 pieces.

I didn't take a picture of the speaker wire. Or the snow boot. Or the pee.

Monday can't come quick enough :)


In Which I Whine. And Demand.

I need a web master. My blog is a mess. Video spilling over into the sidebar, sidebar stuff climbing into the middle. I never did figure out how to add my Delicious links. Ugh. But alas, no money to hire a web master, no time to become one. So, a messy blog it is. At least for now. If anyone has webmaster advice for dummies, I am all ears. And thumbs.

And while you're looking at the mess, sign up for Swagbucks. It's the giant square spilling over from the sidebar. I love it so, and if I had a bigger readership I'd love it even more. You earn "bucks" just for doing searches you would normally do, and you can redeem those bucks for prizes. My favorite are the Amazon gift cards. It really works, I've been collecting gift cards :) So, sign up already!

ObamaCare-A Done Deal??

Who the heck is Scott Brown? That's the question Kathleen Parker answers in her Washington Post article. What he is, is a true threat to the blue state status quo and ObamaCare. He actually seems to have a fighting chance of winning Ted Kennedy's vacated seat in Mass. If he wins, he should be seated before congress votes on a unified bill, and the Dems won't have the votes to push it through. What an amazing irony that would be! Imagine Ted Kennedy's old seat costing the Dems Obamacare!! Perhaps that would finally get through to Obama and congress that the people Do Not Want this bill. Or....not.

"Paul Kirk, currently serving as interim Senator in Massachusetts, has declared that Brown, if he should be elected, will be delayed from any voting in Washington for as long as possible. Masssachusett’s Soros-funded Secretary of State, the corrupt William Galvin, has promised to do everything he can to stall the certification of Republican Brown “so that Democrats can pass the healthcare bill”.
If there was any question that congress has no interest in the will of the people (there was no question, right??), this seals it. They plan to get their way through any means necessary. Like good little Alinsky followers, they believe the ends justify the means. The only question to ask is, will it work. That alone is the basis for action. The....Audacity.