
Nature Journaling

Nature study is an area that is sadly lacking in our homeschool. Our good intentions just don't seem to pan out that often. It must go back to my aversion to projects :) But I do consider it an important part of a well-rounded, liberal education and I want my children to love nature and enjoy chronicling what they see. God is manifest all around us!

So, the other day as I was sick in bed I recalled the flowers that were blooming on the hill down the road. In a nature study cheat I sent the kids down the road to look at the flowers and take some pictures we could use to try to identify them and draw from. Not exactly the nature walk CM recommends, but certainly better than nothing.

They loved their little field trip and today we attempted to identify the flowers and recreate them in our nature journals. It was a good time and the results aren't half-bad. Ezra elected to do only one picture, he wanted someone else to draw the second one. He didn't quite grasp the concept :)

I think what I enjoy the most is how all the pictures are so different, yet they all represent what we were trying to re-create. We are experimenting with different mediums and don't always know what we are going to get!

I think the blue flowers are Baby Blue-Eyes, but I couldn't find anything on e-nature that looked like the yellow ones. Any ideas??

This is what we were trying to draw:

And these are our efforts:





Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! Great job everyone! Those would make fun notecards if you could scan them onto the computer. Just a thought...for a PROJECT!!!

As I am typing this, the cutest little eyes are peeping up at me. Cadence is in the background behind this window in which I'm typing. (Does that make sense?) I bet she is a lot of fun.

We miss you!


(Right now my girls are trying to dye macaroni for a project thingy.)