
Christmas Morning

This is us on Christmas morning. We had to wake up Chance and Kirstyn, but at least the littles got up on their own.
Sierra got several different books, a fact Kirstyn was pitying her for. But a few minutes later we had to remind Sierra to open her next gift because she was so engrossed in her story :)
Amazing fact: Chance and Kirstyn have always had to be woken up on Christmas morning, even as little children.

Little knights. Eli is so serious, he looks like he is ready to ride off to defend the kingdom.


Nicole Hearn said...

We had fun at Christmas, as well....three separate events, and that night I got the flu.
Other than that, it was lots of fun.

I had a nice time talking to Hailey yesterday!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering if you moved your blogging elsewhere. I put you on an RSS feeder so it will be easier for me to check in with you. ;o) You are one blogging friend I didn't want to let slip away.

Looks like you have some wonderful home security there! LOL I love the knights!