
Easter 2012

I decided to skip the interim and jump right to Easter. I still hope to fill in the blanks, but today...we're jumping to Easter :-)

It was a really great day. After church we were joined by Matt, Holly, and Gregory, and Dean and Jill, and Lisa, Angie and Sophia. We had lots of good food, good conversation, and good times!

Next year I am going to do a Christian seder on Good Friday. I am excited to try it and it may just become a new tradition. In any case, I am looking forward to a new way to get us thinking about all that we are really celebrating.

We did do something a little different this year, we traditionally hide a few "money eggs", but this year I took the story of the Resurrection from Matthew and cut it into sections of 2 verses each, with the verses un-numbered. We had bright eggs and pastel eggs and we put 2 verses in each egg in each color family. Make sense? So, there were 11 bright eggs with verses and 11 pastel eggs with verses. The eggs with verses inside were marked with an "s", the other eggs had candy. The kids were broken in to two teams and assigned a color family. They had to find their 11 eggs and assemble the scripture in the right order first. There was a bit on confusion and the process needs some fine tuning, but it was a fun twist. The team with Sierra, Eli and Titus carried the day!

I was a busy hostess and didn't take nearly enough pictures. But I did get some pretty cute ones!

We really need to find a prettier backdrop for the group shots! Ah well, the faces are lovely ;-)
I'm including 3 because you need all of them to get a decent shot of everyone. So, you pick!

I hope your Easter was as special as ours was!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the last one!! Titus is hilarious!
