Overheard in the playroom yesterday:
Annaleise: Singing. Loudly
Ty: Nonna, I can't work with singing!
Annaleise: ----Still singing
Ty: No more singing!
Annaleise: Ty, I sing AWESOME! (Read it with a lot of attitude)
Ty: No, Nonna, I don't like your singing!
Annaleise: Yes Ty, I sing awesome!
Ty: Nonna, I'm leaving. I don't like listening to not awesome singing!
Annaleise: ---- Resumes singing. VERY LOUDLY
Happy Birthday Sweet Baby!
Happy Birthday Audreyanna!!
And the post wouldn't be complete without a bit of video :-)
Oh, and that funky block around "Happy Birthday Audreyanna"? The harder I tried to get rid of it, the worse it got. I really need a techy!
Today I am thankful for:
13. Freedom to Worship
14. Homeschooling
15. Employment
16. A fun new haircut
17. Books
18. That He is Mine and I am His
19. Sweet baby Kisses
20. Holding hands with my teens when we walk
11. A full pantry.
12. Glenn Beck (yep, I said it. Out Loud.)13. Freedom to Worship
14. Homeschooling
15. Employment
16. A fun new haircut
17. Books
18. That He is Mine and I am His
19. Sweet baby Kisses
20. Holding hands with my teens when we walk
Family Time
We enjoyed a trip to Arizona for New Years. We don't get together nearly often enough!
Look at her eyes!
Sierra's 13th - Part 2
Another part of our 13th birthday tradition is a 2 night trip away - with the girls I get to go :-)
We spend time talking, eating, and just being together. It is a great time of bonding and reflection. Sierra and I went to Sequoia National Park. Sadly, she got really sick right after we got there. She rallied herself for a bit of hiking, but was definitely under the weather. I think she still had a great time though, and I will treasure the time spent just the 2 of us (and Audreyanna :-))
13 Candles - Another "Teen" in the House
Another important event I haven't yet devoted a post to is the celebration of Sierra's 13th birthday. 13 is a big one in our house, the transition from childhood to young adult. 13 is the year of the big birthday party because we believe the addition of family and friends helps mark the significance of the day, and we seek council from other godly women to encourage and guide our children. For Hailey and Sierra this encouragement has come in the form of letters to be stored in their hope chest (which they receive on their 13th birthday). These letters have been a true blessing to our girls, and I am so grateful that our friends and family would take the time to write them.
We requested that gifts center around the hope chest we were giving her, and Sierra was blessed with many beautiful and thoughtful things. It's so much fun to see what everyone comes up with!
Her daddy gave her a blessing and Sierra recited Proverbs 19:1-9
The cake was amazing. No, I didn't make it.
I love these young adult years. The knowledge that my time with them is so short is ever before me, and I am frequently driven to my knees. I am so blessed to see them growing in knowledge and righteousness. And so grateful for the opportunity to speak into their lives as we spend our days together.
Miss Cadence is getting so big. She's a real blend of her mommy and daddy. And so smart :-) I can't wait to watch her grow up.
Chance was able to come for the party, which was SUCH a gift for Sierra. We are all grateful for any time we are able to spend together, but it was really special that he came for her birthday. Kirstyn was there too! It is such a rare gift for us all to be together :-)
The day after the party Chance taught the boys to make boats with tooth pics. The results were pretty cool, but next time I think we'll use popsicle sticks so it doesn't take so long :-)
Gregory Turns 1!
Of smiles there were many,
of pictures, sadly few.
This post is late,
the day was great.
Gregory, we love you!
Happy Birthday Gregory!
Snow Days
A huge storm blew in last night to finish killing off our fruit tree blossoms, so we are hunkered down trying to stay warm and drinking chai tea deliciousness. Since we aren't at all interested in going outside, I thought I would share a few pictures of some of this year's earlier snow days.
Tonight I am grateful for:
1. My sleeping baby, snuggled up against my side.
2. Celestial Seasonings Cocoa Tea with butter, honey, and coconut milk.
3. A dishwasher that really cleans.
4. Hot Water.
5. A quiet house.
6. The grassy, spicy, smell of "outside" in my little boys hair.
7. Rain
8. The way my kids always want to be where I am, even the big ones.
9. Second chances. And third...
10. Warm blankets in a cold room.
Easter 2012
I decided to skip the interim and jump right to Easter. I still hope to fill in the blanks, but today...we're jumping to Easter :-)
It was a really great day. After church we were joined by Matt, Holly, and Gregory, and Dean and Jill, and Lisa, Angie and Sophia. We had lots of good food, good conversation, and good times!
Next year I am going to do a Christian seder on Good Friday. I am excited to try it and it may just become a new tradition. In any case, I am looking forward to a new way to get us thinking about all that we are really celebrating.
We did do something a little different this year, we traditionally hide a few "money eggs", but this year I took the story of the Resurrection from Matthew and cut it into sections of 2 verses each, with the verses un-numbered. We had bright eggs and pastel eggs and we put 2 verses in each egg in each color family. Make sense? So, there were 11 bright eggs with verses and 11 pastel eggs with verses. The eggs with verses inside were marked with an "s", the other eggs had candy. The kids were broken in to two teams and assigned a color family. They had to find their 11 eggs and assemble the scripture in the right order first. There was a bit on confusion and the process needs some fine tuning, but it was a fun twist. The team with Sierra, Eli and Titus carried the day!
I was a busy hostess and didn't take nearly enough pictures. But I did get some pretty cute ones!
We really need to find a prettier backdrop for the group shots! Ah well, the faces are lovely ;-)
I'm including 3 because you need all of them to get a decent shot of everyone. So, you pick!
I hope your Easter was as special as ours was!
It was a really great day. After church we were joined by Matt, Holly, and Gregory, and Dean and Jill, and Lisa, Angie and Sophia. We had lots of good food, good conversation, and good times!
Next year I am going to do a Christian seder on Good Friday. I am excited to try it and it may just become a new tradition. In any case, I am looking forward to a new way to get us thinking about all that we are really celebrating.
We did do something a little different this year, we traditionally hide a few "money eggs", but this year I took the story of the Resurrection from Matthew and cut it into sections of 2 verses each, with the verses un-numbered. We had bright eggs and pastel eggs and we put 2 verses in each egg in each color family. Make sense? So, there were 11 bright eggs with verses and 11 pastel eggs with verses. The eggs with verses inside were marked with an "s", the other eggs had candy. The kids were broken in to two teams and assigned a color family. They had to find their 11 eggs and assemble the scripture in the right order first. There was a bit on confusion and the process needs some fine tuning, but it was a fun twist. The team with Sierra, Eli and Titus carried the day!
I was a busy hostess and didn't take nearly enough pictures. But I did get some pretty cute ones!
We really need to find a prettier backdrop for the group shots! Ah well, the faces are lovely ;-)
I'm including 3 because you need all of them to get a decent shot of everyone. So, you pick!
I hope your Easter was as special as ours was!
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