
On My Knees

I have just spent the last hour or so reading this blog. And bawling. It tells the story of a woman named Angie, who learns that her baby girl will not survive after she is born, and how she is walking through that grief clinging tightly, moment by moment, to her God. It is raw, and heartbreaking, and such a testimony to the awesome God we serve. Her love and faith permeate every word she writes.

Angie happens to be the wife of Todd, who sings in Selah, a group I love. And while in the midst of the valley they are walking through, Angie's sister-in-law, Nicol (who is also in the group) and her husband lost their baby boy to sids. Please join me in prayer for this family and read the blog, it will inspire and humble you. Then go hug your kids.

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